Monday, May 31, 2004

The Story of Ha and Chew

Chapter 4

Chew could not get Ha out of his mind, but of course since Chew didn't know Ha's name, to him, Chew couldn't get amazingly beautiful, bruised and nameless stranger of unknown origins out of his mind. Everything that had occurred that day were deeply etched onto his memory, from the soft feel of her long silky hair when he smacked her at the back of the head to the sweet serenity of the sound of her voice as she shouted at Chew. All these sensations as well as the feelings he had that day were constantly going through his head over and over like reruns on HBO.

"Chew! What are you doing here?? I thought you were at class yesterday!" exclaimed Kien obviously shocked at seeing Chew again for, [hold your breath,] the fourth time that week. "Is something wrong? I've noticed it for 3 weeks now... you've been coming to school regularly. What's going on? This isn't like you at all."

Chew sighed a great big long sigh, "You remember that girl I knocked down the stairs last month? I was hoping to see her again. Maybe apologise and then get to know her name. I've been thinking about her all the time, it'll be nice to be able to put a name to the face that has been plaguing my dreams."

"You should stay home. If you'll see her you'll see her, staking out on campus won't help the slightest bit. Look at you, ever since you started attending classes regularly you've been looking lethargic. When we eat lunch, you say that you have no appetite and you just sit there shivering in cold sweat. Your face is ghastly white, your eyes are yellow and it's not as if you're a smoker or anything. I tell you, coming to campus regularly isn't something you should do cold turkey, it requires years of conditioning and training. Me, it took me 8 whole years to do it. Go home and take a rest."

But it would seem that God isn't without mercy, just as Chew begun to reply, his gaze started to wander as a result of the dizzy spells that hit him from time to time ever since he came to Campus consistently and in that world spinning moment, he saw her. Nameless beautiful stranger of unknown origins, or otherwise known as Ha, was coming up the steps situated not too far behind Kien.

"Give me a second Kien, there she is." spoke Chew over his shoulders as he quickly walked towards Ha. He traversed the walkway towards her all the while rehearsing in his mind the things he would say when he finally met beautiful nameless stranger of unknown origins. Seconds seemed to drag as the final meters came to a close before Chew stopped Ha mid-course. At long last, Chew was standing in front of Ha and this was yet again but unlikely the last time that the future lovers would stand face to face, eye to eye.

And then he spoke, "Hi, I just want to say I'm very sorry about that day," and then further elaborated upon sensing her puzzlement, "I was the one who knocked you over at the stairs a few weeks back."

"Its okay," replied Ha in a soft, sweet and melodious voice. "I'm all better now but why did you wait till now to apologise?"

"It was just that I was struck by your beauty that day.. I know it may sound like a pathetic excuse or even creepy of me but it was true. Regardless, I really want to apologise for my blunder that day," the well rehearsed reply was delivered flawlessly.

"Okay.... I guess... I'll just have to accept your apology seeing that you weren't intentionally trying to get me killed. By the way, what is your name?"

"I'm Chew, and you?"

"Haha... that's a funny name. I'm .........

"......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" screamed Chew as lost his balance. He had held at the brink of falling for a moment, arms flailing eyes wide with shock as well as a decent amount of despair, while his center of gravity shifted that slight bit needed for Chew to fall tumbling down the stairs in a clear imitation of the feat that Ha had just performed weeks before.

So lost in thought and totally engrossed in his dry run conversation with nameless beautiful stranger had been that he never got to come face to face and eye to eye with Ha. He never got to spoke to her. He never got to apologise. Not even did he get to introduce himself and most importantly or rather most tragically pitifully, he never got to know her name. Instead, he walked past her, eyes locked onto the distant flickering light of a lecture room exit sign, absorbed in a near perfect rehearsal, and off the very flight of stairs Ha has just ascended from.

When finally Chew got came round, Ha was looking down at him from above, "Are you okay?" she inquired in concern of the unknown stranger. And yet again Chew was dumbstruck. Her voice was soothing, especially since she wasn't shouting at Chew this time, and to him, it felt like silk being pulled through his ears; soft smooth and delightful. How could anybody have a voice so full of gentleness that the mere act of listening felt like a soft caress on ones soul? Chew looked at Ha misty eyed from being dazed from falling, dizzy from coming to school and intoxicated by the sound of her voice all at the same time.

And then he spoke, "Bluerrr ughh arrughe Ceeeehuiw arng hiew." Or rather he tried to communicate but yet again his tongue tied itself into a dead knot the moment he opened his mouth to speak.

With a single eyebrow raised in question of the incoherence of the person lying before her, Ha then was struck by the familiarity of the face. Then recognition dawned her abruptly and just as quickly, her care for a stranger was replaced by an indifference to a clown. Ha shook her head in wonderment of the clumsiness people exhibited in the world nowadays and stepped back up the stairs to where she had planned to go before she deviated from her destination. Softly she muttered to herself in sympathy as well as disgust, "Klutz.."

It would seem that while God isn't without mercy, Cupid isn't without a sense of humour either.

Vincent has left the building! [5:25 PM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Wednesday, May 19, 2004


The previous week has been shocking as well as infuriating to me. Newspaper articles I've read brought to my attention some very disturbing news. I would like to clarify something first. There are a lot of things I cannot stand, and one of which is the violation of the female body. You may scoff at this statement, thinking that this cannot be coming from someone like me but I assure you, I find the violation of the female body against their WILL to be the most repulsive, as well as immoral, thing that can ever be done. The difference between a prostitute or a pornstar and a victim of rape is, free will.

With that in mind, two articles on the news. Miss Conny Ong, to whose family my deepest regrets and condolences go to, was victim to a murder-rape case in Malaysia and an unnamed 11-year-old who was made pregnant by a 20-year-old NSF, former classmate of mine by the name of Chaing Hee. And may he burn in hell. I was extremely saddened upon reading the above mentioned news articles. These poor women, whose lives were ruined, thanks to bastards who should know better.

The poor woman, whose only crime was to be out at the wrong place at the wrong time, was abducted, raped, stabbed twice, and left to die a slow painful death in a manhole. Why? Why should such a thing happen. I hate, despise and condemn all these f***faces. Let every single rapist meet a horrible death and may they suffer for eternity. There is nothing that can anger me more.

As for the 11-year-old, I only have the deepest sympathies. I can imagine that she'll been emotionally scarred for life and all thanks to a screwed-up loser named Chaing Hee. I hope you're suffering in jail now, you low-life. Screw the world and all the assholes in it.

(Note: Surprised to see a new entry on a weekday? Don't be, the one typing this entry for the original blogger Vincent is the person who loves him the most, and no doubt, he loves me too. Heh.. Don't try to guess, it's me. Just me. ;P)

Vincent has left the building! [2:06 AM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Sunday, May 09, 2004

The Story of Ha and Chew

Chapter 3

"Eh Chew! Wassup!"
"Wassup~~~ Kien!" came the instinctive reply.
Then came the elaborate secret handshake which consists of one high five, two side fives, a few fists, a flick to the forehead, a tongue wag and ended with homo-erotic butt-slapping that signified that these two people were indeed, Chew and Kien, for should one day someone want to impersonate either one of these unique individuals, they could always rely on the secret handshake to tell each other, that the other... were INDEED, Chew and Kien. It may have, perhaps, occurred to an idle mind that if the secret handshake was done in public, then how on earth does that make handshake secret. Then of course the answer, as is the answer to many other things stunts that people pull as well as government policies, is that.... they were not very bright.

Chew looked at his longtime friend smiled and said, "Well would you look at us now. Looks like we made it!"

Kien smiled back and nod his head in agreement, "That's right. Hey let's go to the canteen and grab some chicken wings, I'm hungry." With a bob of a head to gesture where he was planning to head off to, Kien started to walk off. Then Chew pulled him back.

"Where in blue blazes are you going off to? Canteen's over here."

"That's the Arts canteen Chew. I want to go to the Business canteen."

"And why do you want to go there? Arts canteen's right here."

"Because Chewy Bar, Business is where the hot chicks are," said Kien absolutely unaware of the little bit of drool rolling down the side of his face and glazed-over look his eyes had that was in bred to all lecherous men of the young age of 21. And with that, the campus resident dimwit duo headed off to the other side the school compound to sate Kiens appetite for meat... as well as meat.

It was along the way to the canteen when while demostrating the immense size of the fish that Chew had almost caught over the weekend fishing trip that Chew would meet Ha. To be precise, it would be the back of his hand that meets Ha first, and at that actually just the back of her head. So excited was Chew upon the telling of the one that got away that he had actually smacked her so hard she fell over and down the stairs, though thankfully a very short flight of them else the story title would have had to be changed to "The Tragedy of Ha"

And so she fell. Tumbling down the steps, a little bounce here, a little bounce there, all the while her head smacking against the handrail. Thuunk-thuunk-thuunk-boink-thuunk-thuunk-thuunk-boink. Chew rushed back down the steps in a great fluster and when he got down beside her, she grabbed onto his tongue. At least that was what he thought she did, for at that point of time, when Chew first set his eyes upon Ha, he was dumbstrucked, tongue tied and flabbergasted. Even with a quickly enlarging bump engorged with blood forming on her forehead and another big bruise at her cheek, he could not help but notice her beautiful eyes (which at this point was actually cross-eyed but he found it beautiful anyway) her long smooth silky hair, her rosy cheeks, how her lips looked like a tiny little plum.....

"What's wrong with you!" she exclaimed, her face fast becoming red with anger as well as embarrassment but instead of answering her question or apologising to her as he had originally intended, Chew fell deeper into a trance as he was further mesmerised by Ha's beauty for though he imagined it not possible, Ha became even more beautiful when her eyes became no crossed no longer. In fact her blushing served only to make her look even more captivating to Chew.

And so Chew knelt there, not moving nor breathing as Ha picked herself up and walked away in a huff all the while silently cursing her luck along with the horrid man who was the harbringer of her ill fortune and the great agony she was currently in. Not a great beginning for Chew, not a great one indeed for he was now madly infatuated with Ha and she didn't seem to like very much at all. And not a fantastic beginning for Ha either; her first appearance in a chapter has given her one line of dialogue, has her falling down and has given her an admirer who finds her the most beautiful when she's angry and embarrassed. Not good at all.

And all that he could saw when Kien came over and asked what happened was, "She grabbed my tongue..."

Vincent has left the building! [5:18 PM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Home cooked food

I just ate home cooked food. And as I was eating, I felt myself nearly moved to tears. I rarely get to eat home cooked food, with my mother working and me in camp and all.. so I was really touched to have just a plain meal with family around the table. For all those who can always eat at home with their family, I envy you. If only I could eat at home with my family everyday.

Vincent has left the building! [4:54 PM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Sunday, May 02, 2004

Roadkill along Lim Chu Kang Rd

A young and innocent squirrel was victim to a hit and run accident on the morning of 30th April 2004. Eye witnesses reported a Black Mitsubishi Lancer GLX speeding along the road heading towards the Sungei Gedong Camp just shortly after the accident. Some claimed to have seen squirrel blood all over the hood of the car. Police are now investigating.

The squirrel was found one the pavement some 100metres away from the site of crash. In the brutal car on rodent collision, the squirrel was reported hit at over 80kmph. Forensic teams report that the vehicle had not slowed down upon seeing the furry little animal and may have in fact increased its speed to charge down the rodent. A horn was supposed to have gone off, perhaps in a diabolical attempt to make the squirrel turn to look thus receiving the collision face on. Upon collision the rodent was propelled forward and then skidded across the tarmac ground a measured distance of 49metres. Fur, skin and even flesh had ripped off the back of the rodent as it slid on the rough terrain after which it hit a rock launching it yet again into the air before dropping back down on the pavement, perhaps bouncing a few more times.

The squirrel had laid there for almost 10 minutes before help arrived. It died on the way to the hospital. Doctor Ong Ha Chew at SGH said, "The deceased suffered severe head trauma, 2 punctured lungs caused by the shattering of ribcage as well as a myriad of other injuries. It was like a textbook on possible injuries suffered compiled and extended. Yet, I do not believe that it died from injuries rather, I believe it more likely died from shock, shock that someone would run over something so cute and furry and leave it for the dead.

A bystander that hastily captured the driver on his camera phone, if anyone can recognize or provide any information on the whereabouts of this "human" please inform the police and help us bring this animal to justice.

Vincent has left the building! [11:30 AM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


20 year old
NS serving
pencil wielding
dedicated lover
of Xu Jiazi

  • 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
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