Monday, April 26, 2004

You won't like me when I'm angry

I've always not dealt with anger very well. I'll be the first to admit it. I've an extremely hot temper. All my old friends can attest to that.. well actually I think everyone in the whole damn world can attest to it. So the situation is we have a very hot tempered man who doesn't deal with well with anger, killer combination. I easily get angry and that emotion will rapidly explode inside me like a chained reaction till I'm looking like Donald Duck in a cartoon and I have a thermometer on the top of my skull and it threatening to explode. But wait there's more, I don't forgive easily.

I've always had problems with it, I admit it but somehow I don't seem halfway there yet. Looks like admiting that I have a problem didn't really win me half the battle. But ever since I've known that I have a problem with anger management, I've tried my very best to wrestle with the emotion. I try to calm myself down and I try to think it though with a impartial mind, putting myself in another person's shoes, hoping to rationalise his actions and hence irrationalising my anger... my rage. I've fought a battle with anger for 5 years now and i rarely win.

Confession time, I'm a hitter. When my anger reaches uncontrollable levels, I release it onto surrounding objects. It ain't pretty but with every hit I can always feel a whole lot of anger dissipate. I still remain extremely angry after that but at the point where I shout and hit things, I'm really trying to cope with the anger that threatens to obliterate me from the inside, because I know if I don't do anything, i'll implode and be left a broken shell. The anger overwhelms me, threatening to drive me insane.

I hate anger. I'm angry that it makes me angry. I defend my sanity fiercely against anger. Anger is like a rogue terrorist nation to me and I have declared war on anger. My staunch ally, Jiazi. And even though suicide anger bombers have left a wake of destruction inside me, she stands fast and gives me the support I need. I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank her for all she has done. Thank you love.. for always being there.

(Little did our hero know that Jiazi has been secretly fueling the war efforts of anger on himself.... What will our intrepid warrior do when he finds out that his closest ally is the one... that makes him.. ANGRY)

Vincent has left the building! [3:29 AM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Sunday, April 18, 2004

The Story of Ha and Chew

Chapter 2

Chew stumbled about lost. There was no escaping from this carnival of madness. Slowly but surely the diabolical clowns of Armageddon were closing in on him. They encircled him slowly, honking their great big red noses while laughing maniacally, lusting for his flesh in this light forsaken amusement park. All of a sudden, the dark clouds that had shrouded the Earth for generations broke apart! Light fell upon him like a halo, he basked in the glory and the warmth of long forgotten light. Oh how the clowns shrieked and cowered! As he opened his eyes to set his sights on the miracle that is the sun and he heard a booming imposing voice, "Ah boy arh! If you don't get your lazy ass out of bed this very instant you're going to be late for school!"

He opened his eyes slowly and clamped them shut again with a gasp as the blinding white of his fluorescent ceiling lights threatened to scorch his retinas. Again the voice came but this time in a screech... like a crow. His Grandmother was waking him up. School, Chew hated school. Always never understood why it had to be so early in the morning. Why couldn't school start at 11am when most of the world woke up? Grunting with the effort it took to pull himself out of bed, Chew decided that he was not going to bother with why today and that he was going to brush his teeth too. It was Monday. Monday was toothbrushing day, along with Wednesday and Saturday as well as Sundays, if he didn't wash his face on Thursday of course, that went without saying. However if he brushed his teeth AND combed his hair BOTH on Tuesday night then the timetable would change altogether. Regardless, he brushed his teeth and had a quick breakfast.

Today was his first day of school in his University. He generally went to school and he made it a point never to miss the first day of school and so he left his home all the while dragging himself towards the general direction that would take him to his campus. Little did Chew know, his life was about to take a dramatic, movie-like, irrevocable twist that would forever change his life and perhaps several people around him as well as me and maybe anyone of you who might be reading this story...
[insert suspense.mid type music here]

Vincent has left the building! [11:48 PM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


The Story of Ha and Chew

Chapter 1

The story of Ha and Chew begins like any other story. Chew was a young man and lived a life just like any other average Tan or Lim or whatever. Well, at least it was just like any other life till he met Ha but we'll get to that later. Chew lived in a Teochew family. He wasn't a Tan nor was he a Lim. In fact, he was an Ong. Anyway that was beside the point, Chew grew up in a typical Teochew family growing up on Teochew porridge and all food Teochew, though they did eat Hokkien mee from time to time; we all know Teochew and Hokkien is very much similar and so his family convened and all concurred that Hokkien was Teochew enough and permission was granted for all in the family to consume Hokkien mee. All through his upbringing, Chew was very much doted upon by his Grandmother who favored the male child of her male son, characteristic of their dialect group.

(Do not correct Chew's Grandmother on the subject of her male son, she refers to him as "wo de nan de er zi" which means my male son. The reason behind this is that she really really REALLY wants to let people know that her son is in fact male. She has a large circle of Thai friends and we ALL know how they are.)

Chew and his family lived in an house 9 storeys above the ground. Fantastic things they are these HDB blocks. Chew was considered well educated in his family, in fact he was a shining star. He went to... SCHOOL. He was a pioneer, a first, an entrepreneur, like Christopher Columbus. He took the PSLE, the O'levels, the A'levels he even took the SATs. Chew read alot, slept adequetly, did sports, listened to music, talked with friends, watched movies, etc etc etc. All in all, Chew was very much like any one of us.

Vincent has left the building! [1:33 AM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Here's a question,

What do you get, when a hakka marries a Teochew?


Vincent has left the building! [12:03 AM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Saturday, April 17, 2004

One helluva freaky dream

I was taking an afternoon nap and I had this dream. Dreamt about this horrible horrible lightning storm off the shores of Indonesia. This one was massive, lightning storm as in LIGHTNING STORM. It tore up the entire town situated near the beach and there weren't many survivors. ALL the ships in the area were either sunk or decimated. In my dream I was watching it in the news... hahaha oh well. Just a dream. =P

Vincent has left the building! [6:58 PM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


Friday, April 16, 2004


Testes testes 1,2,3. oops... just 1 & 2 then. Test post to see if this blogger thing works

Vincent has left the building! [12:34 AM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!



Testes testes 1,2,3. oops... just 1 & 2 then. Test post to see if this blogger thingss works

Vincent has left the building! [12:34 AM]
Food is a many splendid thing, food lift us up where we belong... All u need is food!


20 year old
NS serving
pencil wielding
dedicated lover
of Xu Jiazi

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